Monthly Archives: October 2023

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The importance of systemic business analytics

Category:Business Management Tags : 

The traditional view of businesses has focused on conducting analyses to make decisions based on an incomplete view of business processes, leaving aside the interactions that characterize a system that must act and be seen as a whole, not as the simple sum of its parts.

This traditional view, in which a management report is composed of the sum of the reports presented by each department, leads to a strategic plan that, even without being implemented at the corporate level, suggests results that will be disastrous for the company.

This is where analyzing problems from a systemic perspective plays a fundamental role at the business level, dimensioning causal relationships, with their generating factors and their consequences, allowing us to analyze how these elements are coordinated with each other in order to achieve a common goal.

This reason justifies the importance of competitive intelligence as a fundamental and structural part of a strategic planning process, considering that its results are used to develop production plans, sales budgets, cash flow projections and other structural analyses aimed at building not only a strategic plan, but a true strategy aimed at generating value for the company.

Traditional business analysis models

There are multiple models that allow for the analysis of a company, from Porter’s 5 Forces model to SWOT analysis. However, all of these end up taking a snapshot of the company at a specific point in time, and based on this, they begin to make predictions about its behavior.

To this end, it is common to see planners defining an optimistic scenario, a realistic scenario, and a negative scenario, in order to subsequently conduct the corresponding analyses and present their figures and models to management.

However, in the information age, and with the use of predictive models, fed from external systems and making use of systems dynamics, it is possible to build a tool that allows for the analysis of the three scenarios and comparisons to be made simultaneously, enabling more precise analyses to be carried out than in the past.

The importance of a systemic view

This is of no use if the integrity of business processes and the holistic view with which they should be approached are left aside. We believe that a scheme should be proposed that aims to strengthen each of the company’s areas of expertise and take advantage of the company’s most important source of knowledge: its own human capital.

Under the above premise, we can assume that the company is a living organism that interacts with its environment and receives feedback from it, in order to grow and strengthen itself within a network. In the midst of this process, the organism evolves and, in order to do so in the best possible way, must constantly analyze its environment.

To this end, the techniques and methodologies on which competitive intelligence is based are defined, thus becoming de facto the sense of sight and hearing of our organism. Thanks to these, marketing and production strategies can be defined that promote the generation of business value, all coordinated in a harmonious way by the financial and administrative plan of the organization.

Benefits of systemic business analytics

Under this scheme, then, it is clear that structural analyses of projects can be carried out and decisions as transcendental as the following can be made:

  • How efficient are we in the use of working capital, compared to the competition?
  • How effective are our inventory turnover strategies, considering the current needs of our customers?

In general, systemic business analytics allows companies to:

  • Make more informed and data-driven decisions.
  • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of processes.
  • Develop new growth and expansion strategies.
  • Adapt to changes in the environment more effectively.


Systemic business analytics is a fundamental tool for companies that seek to achieve success in a competitive and changing environment. By adopting this approach, companies can improve their ability to understand how their business works and make decisions that allow them to achieve their goals.

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How to find BADIS

Category:Programming,SAP,SAP ABAP


“Business Add-In” hereinafter BADi, are an extension technology in the SAP environment (Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing). BADIs are predefined extension points in the source code of SAP applications, which allow developers to add, modify or customize standard functionality without modifying the original source code. This flexibility makes it easy to adapt SAP systems to the specific needs of an organization without compromising the integrity and future updating of applications. Through clearly defined interfaces, BADIs allow the incorporation of additional business logic and interaction with standard modules, thus contributing to greater agility and efficiency in the management of business processes.

To find and work with BADIs, follow these steps:

  1. Identification of BADIs: First, determine which area or process of SAP you want to extend or customize. Investigate the SAP documentation and manuals related to that functionality to identify if there are BADIs available.
  2. Transaction “SE18”: Access transaction “SE18” on the SAP home screen. This transaction allows you to search and view the definitions of BADIs.
  3. Search for BADIs: In transaction “SE18”, enter the name of the BADI or a keyword related to the functionality you want to extend. This will provide you with a list of relevant BADIs.
  4. Selection of BADI: Select the BADI that best suits your needs. Here you will see the description, the name of the standard implementation and other useful information.
  5. BADI Implementation: Use transaction “SE19” to create an implementation of the selected BADI. You can provide a unique name for the deployment and choose whether it is local (only to your system) or global (spreads to other systems).
  6. Logic Development: In the BADI implementation, you can add your own code to extend or modify the functionality. This allows you to integrate additional business logic according to your requirements.
  7. Deployment Activation: Once you have completed the BADI implementation, activate it using transaction “SE19”. This will link your implementation to the corresponding BADI.
  8. Test and Validation: Perform extensive testing to ensure that your BADI implementation behaves as expected and does not negatively impact standard functionality.

There are several approaches to find BADIS, here you will find four methods to do it

Method 1 : For this method, you must consider that the first step takes into account that the BADIS are registered in the SXS_INTER, SXC_EXIT, SXC_CLASS and SXC_ATTR tables and that they are accessed through the V_EXT_IMP and V_EXT_ACT views. In this way, each existing call to a BADI, the system makes use of the aforementioned tables. Therefore, one method to find the BADI we need is based on the use of transaction ST05(Performance Analysis). The following procedure will be carried out

1. Enter transaction ST05 and once there, select the “Table Buffer trace” checkbox and press the “Activate Trace” button..

2. Next, open a new mode and execute the transaction for which you want to find a BADI.
3. Once the program has been executed, we return to the screen where we had transaction ST05 and click on the “Deactivate Trace” button in order to finish the trace.

4.Once the trace has finished, click on the “Display Trace” button where the Trace will be filtered with the objects: V_EXT_IMP and V_EXT_ACT (views).
5. Press the “Copy (F8)” button, Fill Operations: OPEN and “Enter”.

Result : A list will be obtained with all the “interface class names” of the V_EXT_IMP views starting with IF_EX_*. This is the standard SAP prefix for “BADI class interfaces”. The name of the BADI is found after the prefix IF_EX_. For example, if the interface name is IF_EX_ADDR_LANGU_TO_VERS, the BADI is called ADDR_LANGU_TO_VERS.

Method 2 : From transaction SE80, set a break-point in the “ACT_IMPS_PER_FLT_VAL” method of the “CL_BADI_FLT_DATA_TRANS_AND_DB” class just after the “SELECT” header with the comment “read BADI attributes”.

Then execute the transaction you want to analyze. For each stop at the debugger break-point, examine the “exit_name” and “internal” fields.

Method 3

1.Enter transaction SE24 (Class Builder) place a break-point in the CALL METHOD cl_exithandler=>get_class_name_by_interface which is inside the GET_INSTANCE method of the CL_EXITHANDLER class.

Then, execute the transaction or program to be verified. The variable exit_name shows the names of the BADIs that the program implements. This method can be cumbersome because it stops execution many times, but this ensures that if a BADI exists it will stop at that point. What is being done is putting a BREAK-POINT at the time SAP checks if a BADI definition has any active implementation; therefore, even if there is no active implementation for that particular BADI, the method will detect that a BADI exists at that point. To see if that BADI is implemented or not, go to Transaction SE18 with the name of the BADI obtained in the variable exit_name and go to the menu option 

Implementations → Resume.

Method 4

Obtain the package (Development Class) of the transaction that you want to analyze using the transaction SE93. In transaction SE18, in the expanded search, search by filtering by the previously found package and the system will return all the BADIs related to that package. Taken from

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Leverage your company’s growth

Category:Business Management

Entrepreneurs and growing businesses often face their first hurdle in obtaining financing. It is common for them to initially think about using their own resources, but this can be expensive and is not always possible. There are viable alternatives, such as private investment funds and angel investors, that can provide the necessary resources for the growth and consolidation of companies. Companies like vFinance, SequoiaCap, and AAC Capital Partners have been sources of funding for successful companies like Yahoo, YouTube, and AdMob.

Let’s look at the following example:

The company Kula, a virtual learning platform for boys and girls in Latin America, contacts an angel investor with experience in the technology sector, hoping to obtain financing in the amount of $1 million dollars, which it hopes to use to expand the offering of courses and educational content on the platform. After carrying out an analysis of the business idea, the angel investor offers the following conditions, an Interest rate corresponding to 20% per year, with a term of 5 years and a rate of return of 40% on the invested capital.

Financing process:

Once the angel investor becomes interested in the Kula company after knowing its value proposition and growth potential, a due diligence of the company is carried out in order to evaluate its financial and operational viability. This example illustrates how financing with an investor can help a company achieve its growth and development objectives. In the case of Kula, financing from an angel investor allowed the company to expand its offering of courses and educational content, which has contributed to its growth and success.

Other options consist of making use of the stock market, through an issuance of shares or debt securities, for which the support of an investment bank is required, who will be in charge of building the prospectus and preparing the process prior to the public offer. However, other elements that can influence the success of financing with an investor must be considered, such as the quality of the founding and management team of the company, the growth potential of the company, the clarity and detail of the business plan and the company’s ability to meet the terms of the financing.

Regardless of the option used to obtain financing, there are a series of preliminary requirements that must be satisfied to obtain resources. Initially, a business plan is requested in which the conditions of the business and its corresponding financial analysis are detailed. This analysis must include at least the following elements:

  • Projections
  • Cash flows
  • Use of resources
  • Profitability and value generation indicators

This analysis is carried out using tools provided by the companies that provide support in the financing search process. Once this stage is completed, it will be necessary to prepare a presentation in which the:

This analysis is carried out using tools provided by the companies that provide support in the financing search process. Once this stage is completed, it will be necessary to prepare a presentation in which the:

  • The mission
  • The work team
  • The problem
  • The solution
  • The competition
  • The size of market
  • The business model

In such a way that it allows to illustrate and motivate potential investors to make their investment in the project.

Additional considerations

  • Before opting for any of the initiatives, make sure that your business can be understandable even to a 5-year-old child. This fact will make it easier for anyone to understand.
  • Properly quantify the capital needs for your business. If it’s a few thousand dollars, it’s likely that many venture capital firms won’t consider it and you’re better off turning to an angel investor.
  • Issuances of shares or private debt securities are usually carried out to finance the growth of an already established company, not by entrepreneurs.

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Why and why value a company?

Category:Business Management

The valuation of a company is not necessarily an act that must be carried out when you are thinking about carrying out a sales process for it, this activity can measure the degree of value generation of the same, allowing corrective actions to be taken that have to improving the economic condition of the company, it can be a simple whim of the owner to determine if the effort and dedication dedicated to his business have been worth it.

Entrepreneurs know, through experience and intuition, that their companies are much more valuable than the sum of their land, facilities, machinery and inventories. Also that a company “in progress” has a very different value than it would have if its doors were closed to the public, even if it were a few weeks ago; But they are not yet aware of how much the employees who work in them represent for the companies, this is noticeable in service companies.

These are some reasons that can generate an assessment process:

1. One of the partners wishes to withdraw from the company and wishes to sell his shares.

2. You want to incorporate a new partner.

3. Another group of businessmen has shown interest in acquiring all or part of the company.

4. You want to make the company “public.”

5. A new generation of the family is joining the company and it is necessary to equitably distribute the shares between the shareholders who will join the operation of the business and what they have rights to that value; but they will stay outside.

6. The partners are considering converting their company into a business chain under the franchise format.

Regardless of what the entrepreneur’s objective is, valuing his company will allow him to determine its current level of value generation and obtain, from the hand of an independent person or company, an accurate analysis of its financial indicators.

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Unlocking Productivity and Collaboration with Google Workspace

Category:Business Management,Programming,Web Design Tags : 

In the ever-evolving world of technology, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to streamline their operations, enhance productivity, and foster seamless collaboration among employees. In this quest, Google Workspace emerges as a versatile and powerful solution that brings together a suite of tools and features designed to transform the way we work. Join us on a journey through the incredible benefits of Google Workspace and discover why it’s the ideal choice for businesses of all sizes.

What is Google Workspace?

Formerly known as G Suite, Google Workspace is a cloud-based productivity suite developed by Google. It comprises a collection of essential applications that are designed to empower teams to work smarter and more efficiently. These applications include Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Meet, and many more. By seamlessly integrating these tools, Google Workspace provides a comprehensive solution for communication, collaboration, and productivity.

The Benefits of Google Workspace:

  1. Enhanced Collaboration: Google Workspace is built with collaboration in mind. With real-time editing and sharing capabilities, multiple team members can work on documents simultaneously. Comments and suggestions make it easy to provide feedback, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.
  2. Effortless Communication: Gmail, the email service included in Google Workspace, is renowned for its reliability and user-friendly interface. You can access your emails from anywhere, and with integrated features like Google Chat, you can communicate with colleagues in real time.
  3. Secure and Reliable: Google Workspace is hosted in Google’s secure data centers, offering robust security features like two-factor authentication, encryption, and data loss prevention. Google’s infrastructure ensures uptime and reliability, so your team can stay productive without interruption.
  4. Scalability: Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, Google Workspace can scale with your business. You can add or remove users easily, adapting the suite to your changing needs without significant IT overhead.
  5. Work Anywhere, Anytime: The cloud-based nature of Google Workspace means your team can work from anywhere with an internet connection. This flexibility is invaluable in today’s global and remote work environments.
  6. Cost-Effective: Google Workspace offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, which means you only pay for the services you use. This eliminates the need for expensive hardware and software installations, saving your business money.
  7. Integrated Workspace: With Google Workspace, everything is connected. You can store your files in Google Drive, collaborate on documents in Google Docs, and hold virtual meetings with Google Meet, all from a single platform. This integration streamlines your workflow and saves time.
  8. Access to Google’s Ecosystem: Google Workspace seamlessly integrates with other Google services such as Google Calendar, Google Photos, and Google Analytics. This connectivity provides a comprehensive ecosystem for your business needs.

Join the Google Workspace Revolution Today!

In a fast-paced and interconnected world, staying ahead of the competition requires agility and adaptability. Google Workspace offers businesses the tools they need to succeed, providing a collaborative and productive environment that can scale with your company’s growth.

Join the ranks of leading organizations that have already harnessed the power of Google Workspace. Unlock your team’s potential, enhance productivity, and streamline your operations. Say goodbye to cumbersome email chains and file sharing challenges, and embrace a future where collaboration knows no boundaries.

Make the move to Google Workspace today and experience firsthand the transformative benefits that have made it the go-to choice for businesses worldwide. Your invitation to boost productivity and revolutionize collaboration awaits – don’t miss out!