Category Archives: SAP PI/PO

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Consuming SAP Process Orchestration RESTful Web Services with Basic Authorization Using Java and Spring Framework

Category:Programming,SAP,SAP PI/PO


In modern enterprise application development, integrating with external services is a common requirement. SAP Process Orchestration (SAP PO) offers a robust platform for orchestrating business processes and integrating systems, including exposing RESTful web services. In this article, we will explore how to consume a RESTful web service exposed in SAP PO using Java and the Spring Framework, with basic authorization.


Before we begin, let’s clarify some assumptions:

  1. You have a basic understanding of Java and the Spring Framework.
  2. You have access to an SAP Process Orchestration instance with a RESTful web service exposed.
  3. The SAP Process Orchestration RESTful web service requires basic authorization.


To consume the SAP Process Orchestration RESTful web service, follow these steps:

  1. Set Up Your Project: Create a new Java project and add the required dependencies for the Spring Framework and Spring Boot. You can use Maven or Gradle for dependency management.
  2. Create a RestTemplate Bean: In your Spring configuration class, create a bean for RestTemplate. This bean will be used to make HTTP requests to the SAP PO RESTful web

@Configuration public class AppConfig { @Bean public RestTemplate restTemplate() { return new RestTemplate(); } }

Consume the RESTful Web Service: In your main class or service class, use the RestTemplate bean to consume the SAP PO RESTful web service. Replace with the actual URL of your SAP PO RESTful web service, and replace your-username and your-password with your SAP PO credentials.


public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

String url = "";

String username = "your-username";

String password = "your-password";

RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();

HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();

headers.setBasicAuth(username, password);

HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<>(headers);

try {

ResponseEntity<String> response =, HttpMethod.GET,

entity, String.class);

if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.OK) {


} else {

System.out.println("Failed to call the API. Status code: " +



} catch (Exception e) {

System.out.println("An error occurred: " + e.getMessage());




  1. Run Your Application: Run your Java application. If everything is set up correctly, the application should make a GET request to the SAP PO RESTful web service and print the response body to the console.


In this article, we have demonstrated how to consume a RESTful web service exposed in SAP Process Orchestration using Java and the Spring Framework, with basic authorization. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can integrate your Java applications with SAP PO and leverage its capabilities for business process orchestration and system integration.

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Streamlining Business Operations: Understanding SAP Process Orchestration

Category:Programming,SAP,SAP PI/PO Tags : 


In the realm of modern enterprises, seamless operations and efficient workflows are pivotal for sustained success. SAP Process Orchestration (SAP PO) emerges as a robust solution, harmonizing diverse systems and facilitating streamlined processes. This article delves into the essence of SAP PO, elucidating its functionalities, and outlining its transformative impact on organizational workflows.

How SAP Process Orchestration Works:

At its core, SAP Process Orchestration is a comprehensive tool designed to integrate, streamline, and automate business processes across various systems. It unifies disparate applications and data sources, offering a centralized platform for orchestration, monitoring, and optimization. Leveraging a combination of process integration, business process management, and connectivity capabilities, SAP PO enables the seamless flow of information and activities within an organization. Its adaptability to diverse environments and capacity to synchronize operations across different departments make it an indispensable asset in today’s complex business landscape.

SAP Process Orchestration (SAP PO) comprises several key components that collectively enable the integration, orchestration, and optimization of business processes within an organization. These components work synergistically to streamline operations and enhance efficiency:

  1. Process Integration (PI): Formerly known as SAP NetWeaver PI, this component facilitates the seamless integration of disparate systems, applications, and data sources. It provides tools and capabilities to establish connections, transform data formats, and ensure smooth communication between various technologies.
  2. Business Process Management (BPM): BPM within SAP PO allows for the modeling, execution, and continuous improvement of business processes. It offers a graphical environment where processes can be designed, monitored, and optimized, enabling organizations to adapt quickly to changing business requirements.
  3. Business Rules Management (BRM): This component enables the management and application of business rules governing different aspects of operations. It allows for the creation, maintenance, and execution of rules that dictate how processes should behave under specific conditions.
  4. Enterprise Service Repository (ESR): ESR serves as a centralized repository for storing integration objects, service interfaces, mappings, and other artifacts essential for integration scenarios. It provides a structured environment for managing and reusing integration assets across the organization.
  5. Integration Builder: This tool within SAP PO assists in configuring and defining integration scenarios. It allows users to create, modify, and manage configurations for message processing, mappings, and connections between systems.
  6. Monitoring and Analytics: SAP PO offers comprehensive monitoring and analytics capabilities. It provides real-time insights into the performance of integrated processes, allowing for proactive identification and resolution of issues, as well as optimization of workflows.
  7. Adapter Framework: This framework supports connectivity to various systems and technologies, offering a wide range of adapters to facilitate communication with different applications, databases, and protocols.

These components collectively form a robust framework that empowers organizations to orchestrate, streamline, and automate their business processes, fostering agility, efficiency, and adaptability within the rapidly evolving business landscape.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Install SAP PO 7.50

Category:Programming,SAP,SAP PI/PO

SAP PO (Process Orchestration) 7.50 is a powerful tool for managing and automating business processes. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps of installing SAP PO 7.50 on your system.

Step 1: Prerequisites

Before you begin the installation process, make sure that you meet the following prerequisites:

  • Operating System: SAP PO 7.50 is supported on various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and AIX. You can check the supported operating systems for SAP PO 7.50 in the SAP Product Availability Matrix (PAM).
  • Hardware Requirements: Make sure that your system meets the minimum hardware requirements for SAP PO 7.50. You can find the hardware requirements in the SAP PO 7.50 installation guide.
  • SAP Java Connector (JCo): You’ll need to have the SAP Java Connector (JCo) installed on your system. You can download JCo from the SAP Service Marketplace.

Step 2: Download SAP PO 7.50

Next, you’ll need to download SAP PO 7.50. You can download SAP PO 7.50 from the SAP Service Marketplace. You’ll need to have an SAP Service Marketplace account to download the software.

Step 3: Install the Java Development Kit (JDK)

Before you install SAP PO 7.50, you’ll need to install the Java Development Kit (JDK) on your system. You can download the JDK from the Oracle website.

Step 4: Install the SAP Instance Agent

Once you’ve installed the JDK, you’ll need to install the SAP Instance Agent on your system. The SAP Instance Agent is used to manage and monitor the SAP PO 7.50 installation. You can download the SAP Instance Agent from the SAP Service Marketplace.

Step 5: Start the Installation

With the prerequisites and required software installed, you can now start the SAP PO 7.50 installation. To start the installation, run the SAP PO 7.50 installation file and follow the on-screen instructions. You’ll need to provide the necessary information, such as the installation directory, Java location, and so on.

Step 6: Configure SAP PO 7.50

Once the installation is complete, you’ll need to configure SAP PO 7.50. You’ll need to configure the SAP PO 7.50 system landscape, which includes the Integration Directory (ID), Integration Repository (IR), and Integration Engine (IE). You can configure the SAP PO 7.50 system landscape using the SAP PO 7.50 Configuration Tool.

Step 7: Test SAP PO 7.50

With SAP PO 7.50 installed and configured, you can now test the installation to make sure that everything is working as expected. You can test SAP PO 7.50 by creating a sample scenario and testing it in the SAP PO 7.50 system.


Installing SAP PO 7.50 is a straightforward process, but it requires some preparation and planning. By following the steps in this guide, you can successfully install SAP PO 7.50 on your system and start automating and managing your business processes.

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How to install the xpi inspector on SAP Netweaver 7.5

Category:Programming,SAP,SAP PI/PO

The XPI Inspector is a tool used for monitoring and analyzing messages in SAP Process Orchestration (SAP PO) 7.5. It helps you gain insights into message processing and troubleshoot integration scenarios. Here’s a step-by-step guide to installing the XPI Inspector on SAP PO 7.5:

Step 1: Obtain the XPI Inspector

  1. The XPI Inspector is provided by SAP as a support package. You’ll need to download the appropriate package from the SAP Software Download Center. Ensure you have the necessary permissions to access and download SAP software.

Step 2: Prepare for Installation

  1. Before proceeding, ensure that you have the required permissions to install software on your SAP PO system. You might need to involve your SAP Basis or technical team for this step.

Step 3: Upload the Support Package

  1. Log in to the SAP PO Administration Console (Enterprise Service Repository) using a user with sufficient permissions.
  2. Navigate to the Software Catalog by selecting “Operations” in the left navigation pane and then selecting “Software Catalog.”
  3. Choose the option to “Upload Support Packages.”
  4. Upload the XPI Inspector support package that you previously downloaded. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the upload.

Step 4: Deploy the Support Package

  1. After the support package is uploaded, navigate to the “Support Package Manager” by selecting “Operations” and then “Support Package Manager.”
  2. Find the uploaded XPI Inspector support package in the list and select it.
  3. Choose the option to “Deploy.” Follow the prompts to initiate the deployment process. This process might take a few minutes.

Step 5: Activate the XPI Inspector

  1. Once the deployment is successful, go back to the “Support Package Manager.”
  2. Find the deployed XPI Inspector support package and select it.
  3. Choose the option to “Activate.” This action will activate the XPI Inspector on your SAP PO system.

Step 6: Verify Installation

  1. To verify that the XPI Inspector has been installed successfully, you can access it through the SAP PO Administrator user interface. Log in to the SAP PO Administrator user interface.
  2. In the main menu, navigate to “Tools” and select “XPI Inspector.”
  3. The XPI Inspector interface should now be accessible, and you can start using it to monitor and analyze messages in your integration scenarios.

Step 7: Explore and Utilize XPI Inspector

  1. Within the XPI Inspector, you can search for messages, view message details, and perform various analyses to troubleshoot integration issues and gain insights into message flows.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed the XPI Inspector on SAP Process Orchestration 7.5. Remember that the steps provided are general guidelines, and the specific steps might vary based on your SAP PO system configuration and environment. Always refer to official SAP documentation and involve your technical team as needed to ensure a successful installation.

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How to carry out transports in SAP PI/PO using CTS (Change and Transport System)

Category:Programming,SAP,SAP PI/PO

In today’s business world, seamless integration and process automation are essential for efficient operation. SAP Process Orchestration has established itself as a leading solution for business process management and system integration. However, deploying changes in an SAP environment can be challenging, especially when looking to maintain system consistency and integrity at all times. This is where the Change and Transport System (CTS) comes into play as a crucial tool. In this article, we will explore how to make the most of CTS to make transport of changes in SAP Process Orchestration easier and faster, enabling more efficient change management in the system and ensuring operational continuity without compromising stability.

1. Ingrese a la url


2. Select the following from the options displayed:

3. Enterprise Service Repository

4. Enter the transfer design objects option

5. Once the option is selected, the object transport wizard opens; there is the option of exporting using the CTS or exporting via files

6. The next step is to select what we want to export, there are 4 options.

The first option is all the objects of a software component, it is the most indicated to overwrite an object or to create a new object; the others allow transport to be carried out selectively

7. The transfer order is selected and the process is finished

In conclusion, effective implementation of SAP Process Orchestration becomes a sustainable reality when combined with a strong strategy of change and transport management through the use of CTS. Throughout this article, we have highlighted how this synergy can enable organizations to not only deploy change more efficiently, but also maintain the integrity and consistency of the ever-evolving system. The optimization of business processes and the agile adaptation to changing market demands depend to a large extent on the ability to manage and control changes effectively. By leveraging the capabilities of the CTS within SAP Process Orchestration, companies can achieve greater reliability in their operations and stay competitive in an ever-changing business environment.

Published first time at

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How to process http status code 500 in SAP PO

Category:Programming,SAP,SAP PI/PO Tags : 

Many times we have built integrations between SAP PO and a legacy system using the SOAP channel, however after having done so, it has also happened to us when consuming a web service we find that the scenario does not work and when checking the message monitor in the log section, we find a brief message “error 500 internal server error”, which does not provide details of what happened; however there is a solution for this situation:


  • Make sure you have checked the availability of the web service. You can do this by testing the web service directly from your web browser.
  • Login to SAP PI/PO and open the Integration Builder.
  • Open the SOAP type communication channel and add the option not to use Over SOAP.
  • Go to Module section.
  • Add the following values in Module Configuration.

XMBWS.NoSOAPIgnoreStatuscode = true

This allows the adapter to ignore the HTTP status code but will only be effective if used in combination with Do Not Use SOAP Envelope.

noSOAPMakeSysErrFromResponseFault = false

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How to integrate SAP PO with ANAPLAN

Category:Programming,SAP,SAP PI/PO

Already past a couple of monthes after i develop an integration between our SAP BW system running over Hana databes and Anaplan, in order to achieve it, the project use SAP Process Orchestration 7.5

During the implementation process, i face some challenges that i try to solve making a research in different forums, since i could not get a complete guide to achieve the solution, i decide to write one and share my personal experience in order to help the readers to develop this integration scenery.


At the end of this post you will could setup a connection between Anaplan and SAP Process Orchestration running over SAP Netweaver 7.50 using a communication channel with adapter REST to stablish a connection with Anaplan and a communication channel with adapter SOAP XI 3.0 to stablish a connection with the SAP Abap systems.



1. Integration Architecture


  • There is a Technical User in Anaplan that could be used in order to stablish the communication or a certificate issued to the Technical User.
  • The Anaplan Technical User has access to the workspace and the models.


1. In order to stablish a connection between SAP PO and Anaplan, the first step will be create a communication channel using REST Adapter.


Communication Channel for authentication, url:

In order to stablish a connection between SAP PO and Anaplan, the first step will be create a communication channel using REST Adapter, the authentication method could be basic auth or certificate authentication only with https.

After the authentication method and url will be applied, the following modules should be added under the Module Tab.

The modules added will be:

useAuthPreemptive: this means that server will expect the authorization credentials will be deliver without providing an Unauthorized reponse or Method Not Allowed.

useJDKSSF: this will avoid Handsake failures due to unmatch TSL or missing SSL protocol.


2. Once the authentication process will be finished an Authentication Token will be deliver by Anaplan in response and must be used across the whole integration until a logout will be realized, the way chossen in the project use Pattern Variable Replacement with an xpath expression.

After that the Pattern Element Name will be used into the Adittional HTTP Headers

3. In order to achive the Integration the process need to request the Workspace and the model, consider delivering the workspace ID at lower case and the models in upper case.

Once the workspace and model are retrieved, the next steps will include to recover the imports, files and the chunks.

4. Once the chunk is retrieved, you will need to upload the file in the chunk, since our source was stored into an database table inside, the whole process to transform the ABAP structure into a textline splitted by “;” character was developed at ABAP Backend.

On the SAP PO side using a java mapping the content was adjusted to deliver a plain text message to Anaplan

public void execute(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws StreamTransformationException {

   String documento = “”;

   String linea = “”;

try {

      DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

      DocumentBuilder db              = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();

      Document xml_in                   = db.parse(in);

      String encoding                     = “UTF-8”;

      NodeList nodeListLine           = xml_in.getElementsByTagName(“content”);

for (int i = 0; i < nodeListLine.getLength(); i++) {

         Node nodeLine = nodeListLine.item(i);

         Element elemLine = (Element) nodeLine;

         linea = elemLine.getTextContent();

if (i < nodeListLine.getLength()-1) {

           documento = documento + linea ;

         }else {

           documento = documento + linea ;




   } catch (IOException e) {

     System.out.println(“ERROR CLASE TestEncryption : ” + e.getMessage());

     throw new StreamTransformationException( “ERROR CLASE TestEncryption : ” +


   } catch (Exception e) {


On the communication channel stablish the following values:

Since the HTTP responde code delivered by this interface is 204 on a success delivery, we include a custom Error Handling.

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

<ns0:MessageType_Res xmlns:ns0=”namespace”>




5. Once the files was delivered to the chunks, the next step will be to post the chunk and complete the uploads, this step will close the file.

6. Consider that the fille in Anaplan will be visible by the Technical User used to achieve the upload.

7. In order to release the session a logout process should be achieved, this will include a custom Error Handling in order to catch the HTTP 202 responde code.


In summary this process will help you to enable the connection between SAP PO running over SAP Netweaver 7.5 and Anaplan, guiding you through several process steps that our team already face and pass.

Happy Integration!

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Introduction to SXI_MONITOR Transaction

Category:Programming,SAP,SAP PI/PO


SXI_MONITOR transaction is a robust SAP application designed to monitor and manage the health of both incoming and outgoing data exchanges. By offering a comprehensive overview of interface performance, it empowers users to proactively identify and rectify problems, ensuring uninterrupted system operations.

Here is a guide to get started with SXI_MONITOR:

  1. Access the transaction by entering “SXI_MONITOR” into the command field of the SAP system.
  • The interface monitor screen will appear with a list of all available interfaces.
  • Use the filter options to narrow down the list to the specific interface you want to monitor.
  • Select the interface and click on “Display” to view the details.
  • The interface details screen will show information such as the status, start time, and end time of the interface, as well as any errors or warnings.
  • If an error occurs, use the “Error Information” button to access the log file and see a detailed explanation of the error.
  • The “Monitor” tab provides an overview of the interface execution, including the number of messages processed, the number of messages in error, and the total processing time.
  • The “Details” tab provides a more in-depth look at the individual messages processed by the interface, including the status, timestamp, and any relevant messages.
  • Use the “Restart” button to clear the status of a completed interface and start a new run.


With the SXI_MONITOR transaction, you have a central location to monitor and manage the status of your system’s interfaces. This helps you to ensure that your interfaces are running smoothly and to quickly identify and resolve any issues that may arise.

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Splitting Messages in SAP PO using a Java Mapping

Category:Programming,SAP,SAP PI/PO

Here is an example of a Java mapping in SAP PO that splits a message using the String.split() method:

import java.util.Arrays;


public class MessageSplitter extends AbstractTransformation {

    public void transform(TransformationInput input, TransformationOutput output) throws StreamTransformationException {
        try {
            // Get input and output payload
            InputPayload in = input.getInputPayload();
            OutputPayload out = output.getOutputPayload();

            // Read input message into a string
            byte[] bytes = new byte[in.getInputStream().available()];
            String inputMessage = new String(bytes);

            // Split message using a delimiter
            String delimiter = ",";
            String[] parts = inputMessage.split(delimiter);

            // Write the parts to the output payload
            for (String part : parts) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new StreamTransformationException(e.getMessage());

In this example, the input message is read into a string, then split using the comma (“,”) delimiter. The resulting parts are then written to the output payload, one after the other. You can change the delimiter to any string you want to use as a separator.

Please keep in mind that this is just an example and it may need further adaptation depending on the specific requirements of your integration scenario